Online Travel to Miyagi (1): Organization and Society


I joined a travel online through Zoom.A victim of Great East Japan earthquake in 2011 shared his experience with live broadcast from the stricken area.I initially thought this would be a heavy event. Contrary to expectation, I spent a very fruitful time with many inspiring thoughts.

This is the first piece of the two stories: About organizations and society.

Japanese organizations with their guard up

Now, responsibility of organization are severely required. Often, contrary to individual thoughts and sentiments, organization tends to minimize the risk and its behavior is hard‐hearted. On the other hand, in our society, there are significant number of voices which propagate sensational opinions, block different opinions, and accuse others one-sidedly. Or, an enormous economic damage awaits in a form of compensation, should the organization admit its responsibility.

It is not easy for an organization to be its guard down.

Not to decide, evade, and not to admit

Nevertheless, a tendency of not to decide, evade or not to admit can be seen in many organization, particularly in Japan. This creates a critical misunderstanding, damage the trust, and finally necessitates a tremendous amount of resources to recover the damage. That was the lesson that the lecturer (a victim of the earthquake) gave me.

To a society which accepts differences

Such a guard-only organizational management should be reconsidered, however unfortunately it will take some time since alternative clear idea has not been forged yet.

In such uncertainties, a silver lining can be seen from the lecturer.

I interpreted his ideas as follows.

“It is necessary for each of us as a convinced to increase the number of people who support the atmosphere of respecting different opinions, freely express own position (without threats), and move everybody forward. “

I heard that in post-Covid-19 era, more investors are keen on social impact rather than profit. People’s mindset would be in a similar direction to that of my interpretation.

Beyond that, a new way of organizational management could be seen.■