Will Remote Work continue in Japan?

Remote work

Due to Covid-19, remote work has become common in Japan quickly. However, remote work had not been popular in the country before the pandemic. Working style based on Japanese culture is not very suitable to this new modality of work.

The Japanese prioritize face-to-face communication due to their cultural peculiarity: Non-verbal communication is one of the most important aspect of their communication. Japan is extreme side of High Context culture, in which people share common cultural background implicitly (Edward T. Hall 1967). The Japanese demands complete understanding of the background in detail. As a result, non-verbal communication through face-to-face setting is required.

For example, in an important meeting, they try to understand every details of non-verbal language, which are not only facial expressions and gestures, but also who seating position, order of speakers, and even after-meeting events (drinking alcohol). Many Japanese expatriates working overseas have a rather naive belief that face-to-face communication can solve everything saying if we talk face-to-face, we can understand.

This communication style must have hampered the introduction of remote work in Japan.

Now, social distancing has become new normal: face-to-face communication has been severely restricted. However generally speaking Japanese society exhibits a strong resistance to changes. Will they revert to old-style communication once Covid-19 is gone? Well, maybe… but encouraging signs are there.

Firstly, the efficiency. Japanese enterprises are very cost-conscious. For example, real estate prices are high in Japan. If office space can be reduced, penny-pinching employers may think twice.

Secondly, the cooperate ethics. In these days, both employers and employees are required to observe several ethical standards such as work-life balance, prevention of various harassments, and environment protection. Such a promotion of internal control may accelerate remote work.

Remote work may not drastically alter the working culture of Japan. Nevertheless, more rational working style could be promoted through the new working style. Then, future of Japan could be brighter.

Looking back Japanese history, external threats changed Japanese society dramatically. Covid-19 certainly brought a tragic result to us, but by turning crisis into opportunity, I hope Japanese society will make a big change in its direction. ■